... М24 < М25 > М26 ... Open star cluster M25Open star cluster M25 is in the constellation Sagittarius (Sgr). Equatorial coordinates (epoch J2000): Visual magnitude: 4,9m - this object can be seen with the naked eye on a black sky, in the absence of illumination from street lighting. Optimum magnification for a telescope with observations of M25, depending on the aperture of the telescope (D), is about 10x-30x. Higher magnifications of course add details, but lead to a strong drop in the brightness of the image, making it difficult to observe. The best month for observing M25 is July. At this time, the object is at midnight near its highest point in the sky, that is, it is less affected by light from the lanterns and atmospheric distortions. For observers in the northern latitudes:The nights in July are still quite light, so it makes sense to try to observe M25 also in August.
Nikolay Kurdyapin, kosmoved.ru |
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